The Longest Year
Eleven months into the longest year! ::so, almost halfway done:: I imagine my constant search for the end has lengthened the days. I anticipate considerable slop into the coming year – because really, only English gardens and type-A personalities stay in the lines.

In keeping with all the slop, my last firing was less than stellar. I lost about a third of the load. Nonetheless, I updated the shop with the survivors. Check out the shop here. Despite a few disappointing outcomes in the studio, there have been some celebratory ::if virtual:: high fives and steady forward movement.
The 23rd San Angelo National Ceramic Competition was reinvented and extended through the months of pandemic precautions. My contribution to the show, Captivated By The Details was purchased by a long-time San Angelo community influencer ::high five::
Throughout the summer ::well, Arizona hasn’t decided we’re quite done with summer yet:: several smaller ceramic drawings found their forever homes. Art buying behaviors no doubt encouraged after looking at the uninspired walls of our homes for weeks on end ::high five::
Recently, I was contacted by a new gallery space in Tubac, Arizona. On The Edge Contemporary Gallery will help introduce my drawn ceramic work in the south of southern Arizona region. Located 20 minutes south of Tucson and 30 minutes north of Mexico, Tubac is an historically rich mining town turned artist community, birders’ paradise, and winter resident destination ::high five::

On November 13th I had the pleasure of participating in Tempe Center for the Arts (Mini) Draw-a-Thon. This was a Facebook Live event with myself and artist Kyllan Maney. I demonstrated drawing hair/fur textures by drawing a hare. The videos are archived here. Check them out when you have a little pandemic time on your hands ::high five::
I’m thankful for family and friends; hopeful we’ll connect in more familiar, personal space invading ways in a few more months. For now, take care of yourselves, support small businesses and artists when the opportunity presents itself ::high five::