rabbits and red herrings…

This is the beginning of…well, it’s not quite obvious yet.  In an effort to create a more interactive site this blog was born.  The process has been nothing short of frustrating…this is the easy part.  There was the shuffling of files and the granting of permissions and a few unsupportive support staff at a previous hosting site…then a little syntax situation (the culprit was an ellusive comma).  But, I’m finally back on-line.  The site as a whole has much time yet to be invested.  Yes, much to do!

I’m an artist…it’s what I do.  For the most part, posts will be art related…with exception to a occasional rabbit chase.  Here you will find resources, information and perhaps a little inspiration.  I intend to post every week.  In the days/weeks following, as I create pages and expand the site, I may post more frequently.  

I look forward to the art, the interaction, the words!