I heart you

Checking out at the grocery store last week, the cashier asked if I would share my thoughts about something. Sure (captive audience)
The cashier explained that corporate (he nouned that adjective) wants them to ask customers when they check out, “Did you find everything today?” He went on to say he felt that question would give a negative response – a complaint (his words) He preferred to receive a positive response and so decided he’d rather ask, “How are you today?”
I replied, I understand wanting to end on a high note – nobody wants a day full of complaints. Maybe corporate (now I did it) wants to offer some resolution for a customer who couldn’t find the pickled watermelon rinds.
::he nodded in agreement::
But, I think they’ve tasked the wrong person with asking that question. By the time I get to the cashier I’ve given up on ever finding the pickled watermelon rinds.
The cashier smiled and thanked me. As I turned to maneuver my cart, he asked the customer behind me, “How are you today?”
If we’re just putting ourselves out there for a positive response – siloed with our collection of thumbs-up and little hearts, we’ll crumble under criticism. Even the most constructive criticism will wound. I’m not convinced those little hearts challenge me to be better. It’s more likely they’ll cause me to spin my wheels – afraid to grow at the expense of a like.
Hearing the good stuff feels…well, good. I think we’d all agree that pleasant dialogue is welcome. Decorative art that doesn’t ask much of us is often comforting. And it’s ok to not be everything for everyone.
Still, sometimes conversations are hard.
More often than not, art isn’t pretty.
On occasion, we need resolution.
I am honored to be the featured artist for January-March in the quarterly e-zine, Artists On The Cutting Edge. It’s an interview formatted article that wades into some early years, talks a bit about process and purpose, and allows room for a little advice to the ceramic novice. A quick read.
Check out the interview here: **in the gallery section at the end of the article, click on the larger image in the gallery to see the entire image – you can advance from there.

If you haven’t made it out to see Ceramic+ at the Art Gallery at Mesa Community College you have until January 25th. Location information and gallery hours are here. This show is an incredibly broad visual of ceramic technique. I have two pieces included. Worth a visit!

The Ceramic Season is upon us (it’s a thing) Make plans!
The 18th Self-Guided Ceramic Studio Tour is February 23-24, 2019. 10am to 5pm both days.
This valley-wide event showcases professional ceramic artists in the Phoenix Metro area. I am studio #9 this year. Get a downloadable brochure here.
Instagram: @dessadogtoo
Twitter: @beth_shook
Facebook: Beth Shook