sentence fragments

photo (detail): Lynn Trimble
In May I urged, Go See Art.
Unless you’re already tethered to art seeing, art making or art appreciating those words likely summoned about as much persuasion as lima beans for breakfast. Because…eh. There are benefits to seeing art (in addition to being a cheap date night)
A 2014 University of Arkansas study found that viewing art increases historical empathy, social tolerance, and critical thinking skills. Earlier studies also noted that visiting a gallery contributes to mental restoration, lowered stress, and improved memory. Go. See. Art.
In a less-than-scientific-but-wrought-from-years-in-the-classroom observation, I believe art helps us communicate better. Like learning another language. The more you participate, the more fluent you become. Visual art is communication – it says something. While some art speaks elegantly and deeply, other works are fairly incoherent and shallow. Perhaps swayed by dialect/culture, influence or visual IQ – it still communicates.
I feel most connected to the message when I’m making a work. The process invites a degree of focus. However, lately I’ve been on the other end of the making process with workshops and exhibitions scattered throughout the past couple months. During my abbreviated attempts to work in the studio, I’ve discovered I was out of this, that, or time, running low on a raw material, or completely unprepared. With respect to visual communication, since May I’ve done little more than string together a few near-related sentence fragments ::sigh::
Here’s where I’ve been:
draw: the art of curiosity and innovation
May 25-Sept 1
The Gallery
Tempe Center for the Arts
CA 101 2018
June 1-10
Redondo Beach, California
Tableware: Connecting Inspiration and Design
with AZ Clay
This was an afternoon workshop at dessadog studio for AZ Clay members. The title is fairly self explanatory…we talked about tableware design. But also touched on the design and glaze/surface choices. I presented a salt and pepper shaker demo.
My Story, My Legacy
with Pursue Life Ministry
My Story, My Legacy is an adult writing workshop to encourage participants to see the value of their story. Really, the power of God’s story through them. On this occasion I was presenting a thin slice of the longer workshop. We had a great morning!!
Nature Sketchbooks
Tempe Center for the Arts
Part of the Summer Family Art Workshops, we had sketchbooks and lots of plants to draw. It was a fun time as we focused our attention on the details of the plants – particularly those things that made one unique apart from the others.
Tempe Center for the Arts
The Draw-a-thon was a 12 hour drawing spree associated with the draw exhibition. The exhibiting artists all presented drawing skills, disciplines, or media for participants to try out. I demonstrated using a grid to ensure proportions when drawing. I also taught participants how to created distortions using the grid process. it was challenging.
~my 15 minutes while everyone slept
Channel 12 News
with Trisha Hendricks for Tempe Center for the Arts
(yep….this happened)
~ related posts: say something
Instagram: @dessadogtoo