I need a nap…and a cookie.

When a person is thought of as sharp, intelligent and quick, it might be said that they have a mind like a steel trap. That’s not me…not recently. No. As of late, my mind more closely resembles a screen door…with a hole in it. Nothing to keep those few moments of near genius from being sieved into the wilds of ridiculous thought. As well, the distractions breeze in like mosquitoes after a steamy summer monsoon.
Speaking of mosquitoes, why is it they can find that hole in the screen to invade the house, but can’t manage to make their way back out?
I digress. We were discussing screen doors. Specifically, my mind as a screen door; alternately, my inability to capture focused thought lately. I’ve come to think of this as The Great Dissipation!
Unlike a logical framework through which to organize, qualify and function, I’ve managed a great vanishing in which I lose track of flashes of brilliance; only quick enough to hold on to remnants of awkward sentence fragments culled from original thoughts.

After a successful studio tour, I’ve been about the business of picking up where I left off, tying up loose ends, taxes, not sleeping, telephone tag and chasing wild hares, crating and shipping, conjugating verbs, research and teaching, preparation and anticipation for the next appointment, meeting, studio visit, exhibition, workshop and deadline. I need a nap…and a cookie.