common ground

The Biennial Juried Ceramics Exhibition closed last week, which provided an opportunity to take a mental health day. Thursday we traveled to Flagstaff to pick up my art work. Approaching the errand as a chance to escape the heat (it’s still hot here), see some fall color and do a little shopping.
This national exhibition was installed at the art museum on the campus of Northern Arizona University. The exhibit included an impressive collection of work, making use of the museum’s large spaces. Flagstaff Live, a local weekly arts publication printed a favorable article about the exhibition. A successful show!
Flagstaff’s highs were in the 70’s that day. The leaves were just starting to turn – in a week or so the trees will be awash in rich, warm hues. Our shopping venture amounted to poking our noses into some of the local galleries in the historic downtown area along Route 66.
We stopped by the Shane Knight Gallery – the gallery of photographer Shane Knight. Mr. Knight creates large format photography. His images are of the southwestern/cowboy genre – not unheard of in the tourist stomps along this famous highway.
The artist’s large format images were impressive, his composition sound and his personality engaging. We talked a bit about photo processes – a lopsided conversation; him a photographer and me, not so much. Searching for a bit of common ground, I mentioned the work of my friend Neal Winter. Neal’s images are beautiful. Some of my favorites the product of a pin hole camera or his beloved Holga. As much about the process as they are about the image.
Mr. Knight shared that he had a similar plastic camera – light leaks and all. The excitement in his expression spilled over as he talked about the challenges of the tool and the beauty of the images created through the process.
There is where we found the shared experience of every artist.