another day at the office
Lately I’ve been feeling a little undefined in my art work. Not in the sense of not knowing who I am; what’s my purpose…I’ve had that figured out since I was 12. No. This fuzzy, undetermined feeling is more ‘how to’ than ‘what for’.
Honestly, this is not an unfamiliar place for me. I know this place. It’s the perception that I don’t have a clue where I’m going, or that I’ve encountered a stalemate (‘stale’ being the optimum word) and need to move in another direction; which brings about indecision because I don’t have a clue (I think we covered this already). My circular thoughts only bring about a string of unproductive days.

Recognizing this, I keep working on the same stuff that brought me to this place of nagging uncertainty. That may sound a bit counter intuitive – but really, once I’m aware that the work needs to change, shift, grow, it will come about rather seamlessly without the fear of jumping in with both feet. However, if I stop working to consider change, wonder where it will take me, how I will get there or what I’ll have to leave behind, I will hesitate at every turn – never taking those first steps. I will be caught in a centripetal logic that will throw me further from my focus.
So then, in the midst of these blurred edges, I’ve finished a few commission pieces, continued to create inventory and struggled with distractions (perhaps I should stop early for lunch…or clean out the ‘potentially art’ junk drawers…maybe develop a storage system for raw materials according to chemical compounds based on their atomic numbers…) knowing there is to come the challenge in growing.
Change is on the way. We’ve been introduced (a time or two). I welcome the challenge. Already jumped in.
related post: ‘ch-ch-ch-cha-changes’
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Love your process. That’s one thing I got out of class and I enjoyed that class immensly – thank you! If I can add discipline to my process, I’ll have it made.
Talk about that related post…’ch-ch-ch-cha-changes’, looks like that’s my next step. Moving. Big change. Will definately keep in touch and hopefully be able to tell you of progresses. Definately need to keep up with like-minded people because of all the people that don’t get art-minded folk.
Well I can tell you this Beth.. I know personally your
Work brings joy to me .. My family.. Our friends.. Every
Where I go I see my dear friends artwork.. For instance
This past weekend.. At john and Amys house.. Each time I open
The refrigerator there is your drawing of The Pawleys Island
Chapel.. You do amazing work and I am not sure what kind of
Change you are looking for.. Sometimes we all get sick and tires
Of where we are at.. The airport for me?? Not always so much
Fun.. But then I realize if I am still long enough.. This is where
God has put me for a reason!! Love you girlfriend!