a time-space continuum…er, conundrum
I think I might have a time-space continuum conundrum (it’s a thing. I’m sure) There were early warning signs; standing in front of the empty walk-in closet of our then-new home thinking how much extra space I was going to have (red flag! red flag!)
Similarly, when I look at a calendar with thirty or so empty boxes I see nothing but potential with room to move…and, there’s 30. Sometimes 31! (February, being akin to Daylight Savings Time, doesn’t count and it just screws with your watch) Thirty is a lot. I mean, thirty of anything else is abundance.
30 cupcakes is a party!
30 stitches is a trip to the ER.
The IRS gives you 30 days of grace to get your act together before an audit…ok, bad example.
But, you get it.
If I’m paying attention, once I begin to fill in those boxes of potential, they tend to crowd out all that room to move. Like shoes in that ever-shrinking closet.
When I last left you at The House of Disney Princesses, I was waiting on the green light to begin painting a mural outside the Arizona Baptist Children’s Services’ (ABCS) Phoenix location while preparing for a return trip to South Africa scheduled for the end of September.

We painted the mural over four weekends, with a couple days in-between, beginning August 17th and finishing up September 9th. Suddenly my mid-August gig ran smack into my September. Those boxes of potential disappeared like extra closet space.
And so it goes.

A few days ago my sweet husband helped me apply the sacrificial/UV coat to the mural at ABCS. We needed to wait for cooler weather and a free weekend. What a great time we had meeting the community while painting this summer. Thank you ABCS for the opportunity!
As we finished up the mural, I began setting up The 3rd Occasional Cup and Mug Sale; knowing I would need to begin social media promotion for the sale while I was in South Africa. This event had been in the works since May, which further illustrates my time-space conundrum. How did everything get all bunched up? I would be jumping into one very tight schedule once we returned with the sale calendared for October 20 and 21 ::sigh::
Our trip to South Africa was amazing!! We were privileged to partner with Hope Baptist Church again as they reach their community, encourage pastors and churches in neighboring towns and nations, and become more deeply connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ oceans away. Did I mention amazing?!

The 3rd Occasional Cup and Mug Sale was So. Much. Fun. 38 local ceramic artists participated in our occasional event. This year the sale benefited Pursue Life Adult Ministry, a ministry of ABCS. We collected (at last count) $1,210 in Home Depot and Lowe’s gift cards to help offset the cost of creating adaptive living environments (wheelchair ramps, pull bars, etc) for senior adults of limited financial means that desire to stay in their homes as they age.
As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m preparing a workshop scheduled for December 4th. I can almost feel those boxes being squashed like that over-committed hanger wedged between the grubby jeans and the sweatshirts.
If you’re interested in making a tax deductible donation to Pursue Life Adult Ministry, you can do that here*: https://www.abcs.org/donate/donate-now
*scroll down on the designation box to choose Pursue Life Adult Ministry.